Skinny Dip
Steampunk and Dancing Pregnant
In August 2016, the Skinny Dip performers had the opportunity to dance to the lively and original music of the Nathanial Johnstone Band. Since "steampunk" was the theme, I decided to take advantage of being 7 months pregnant and have a clock painted on my belly by Cerice Odegaard, a talented set and props designer and fabricator (as well as a makeup artist and hair stylist).
The Steampunk photographs were taken by Chris Yetter.
I also performed a few times as a pregnant lady at the Tacoma Belly Dance Revue in 2016. I danced to Peel Me a Grape sound by Diana Krall and then I did a kind of tree dance using an original costume by Pam Wunderlich (who introduced me to modern, interpretative dancing in 1992-1993) and then I danced really pregnant, doing a Raqs Asaya number. Whew!